Resizing flash content

Hi,is there any way to resize flash content in concrete5.There doesnt seem to be any options for it.Thank you in advance.

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you mean resizing the display of the Flash file? Isn't this available in the Flash block?
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
When you resize Flash content, you can change the size of the container in the HTML embed, but Flash itself will have its own way of responding to changes in the size of its container.

There are a number of different options built into Flash which handle how the movie will scale, such as NO_SCALE, SHOW_ALL, or other options regarding its alignment.

These options can be set in Actionscript in the SWF. You also can respond to stage resize events to resize content intelligently.

However, if you do not know Actionscript, or do not have access to the source for your SWF, you may still be able to force some of these resize options onto the content through the HTML embed.

SHOW_ALL, for example, is what you would want to make Flash content scale up correctly when you zoom in some browsers.

You can create a custom template for the built-in Flash block and enter in the parameters you need. You might also consider trying the Flash Embed add-on, which includes scale and alignment options among many other things.
okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe these options can be passed through Flash params and Java Script? Then the Flash block can be updated and enhanced. More info here:
looifookmeng replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi,thanks for the help.found out the flash content block automatically takes the size of the swf file.I resized it and its ok now,thank you for the help though.