Restricting Page Creation.


I'm very new to Concrete 5 and I was looking through things and I was wondering, is it possible with groups to make say a "sub-admin" that has the ability to edit pages and add content, however restrict them from being able to create new pages on the site? I looked through the Dashboard and the Access/Permissions of the File Manager and I wasn't certain if there was a way to do this.

I searched the forums and wasn't able to find an answer to this. It's very possible I've overlooked something in the menus as well but any insite into this would be greatly appreciated!



ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply

Also if they can edit but canWrite is false, then they can't create pages.

If you want a pretty decent in depth look at the code our Blog application in the marketplace uses this which runs a kind of a happy medium between the standard permissions and advanced permissions based on groups etc.