RSS Displayer breaking my page

It seems I can't use RSS displayer because breaks the layout and generates an error once I click on publish. I can add it and see it before I click publish but the second I publish the page is broken and displayed incorrectly. Any ideas?

sorrells replied on at Permalink Reply
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
what is the error....
sorrells replied on at Permalink Reply
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 23040 bytes) in /home/sorrells/public_html/elements/profile/sidebar.php on line 17

I can place it anywhere on the site and I get this error.

this is line 17
<a href="<?php echo View::url('/profile/friends','add_friend', $profile->getUserID())?>">
sorrells replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
so the fix for this is to make sure you're not running on PHP 5.1 or else various addons of functions that call on attributes won't work.