RSS not updating
The default RSS block is not updating for the site i'm working on. the feed is from tumblr and posts have been like a week old and its not doing anything.
Same here...
are there any fixes out there?
bump! still need help...i have 5.4.2 also. any solutions???
The solution I've found that seems to work is changing the cache time in the SimplePie library. Copy concrete/libraries/3rdparty/simplepie.php up to the proper override directory: (your site root)/libraries/3rdparty/simplepie.php. Open the new copy in a plain text editor and search for this value:
This is the number of seconds it waits before refreshing. Change this to something like 120 (two minutes). Don't get too aggressive with it or you'll get your site banned from the feed, I guess.
Try that and let me know how it works. Lots of thanks to ScottC for this fix.
var $cache_duration = 3600;
This is the number of seconds it waits before refreshing. Change this to something like 120 (two minutes). Don't get too aggressive with it or you'll get your site banned from the feed, I guess.
Try that and let me know how it works. Lots of thanks to ScottC for this fix.
Just adding my weight - I got this too (2 sites)
any fix other than the workaround above??
any fix other than the workaround above??