Save Area to PDF Problem!
Doesn't work, in fact no response and no error_logs. It just redirects me and generates a page /index.php?cID=1&bID=13&arHandle=Main&ccm_token=1342409354:4325e215812a1587da087f093ba31f1f&btask=passthru&method=submit_form
where nothing happens. Already checked file permissions, everything suppose to run. Any ideas? It does work fine on my local XAMPP and so does for others over here, as far as I can see.
Thank you in advance!
where nothing happens. Already checked file permissions, everything suppose to run. Any ideas? It does work fine on my local XAMPP and so does for others over here, as far as I can see.
Thank you in advance!
Trying to get this topic up. Any help on this issue?
it might be a C5 version problem.
If it's working on older versions and not working on more recent one, that's probably your answer.
If it's working on older versions and not working on more recent one, that's probably your answer.
Not really the case, as I've tested it in XAMPP Apache emul and works fine, C5.5.2 and double checked file/folder permissions. Gotta be something else, shame tha developer didn't provide any troubleshootings.
hi again,
I was able to have the same problem you are describing by stopping the add-on from finding the mpdf library. It ends up doing exactly what you said. I would suggest checking if the library is complete.
Also, I really don't know why, but I had problems on some servers when uploading files directly and solved the problem by uploading the whole thing zipped and decompressing on the server.
Might be that.
I was able to have the same problem you are describing by stopping the add-on from finding the mpdf library. It ends up doing exactly what you said. I would suggest checking if the library is complete.
Also, I really don't know why, but I had problems on some servers when uploading files directly and solved the problem by uploading the whole thing zipped and decompressing on the server.
Might be that.
There's new development on that issue. Block posts a reply under itself "There was an error locating the specified collection".
Which is an "else" response to first "if" withing a function in Block's controller.php:
function action_submit_form() {
if ( isset($_POST['cID'] )) {
Any ideas on what could be worng with "not locating specified collection"?
Which is an "else" response to first "if" withing a function in Block's controller.php:
function action_submit_form() {
if ( isset($_POST['cID'] )) {
Any ideas on what could be worng with "not locating specified collection"?
In addition, I tried to hide mPDF liabrary from block, and the result is the same "error locating the specified collection". Which means that it doesn't even get there and error occures somewhere within these lines in controller.php:
function action_submit_form() {
if ( isset($_POST['cID'] )) {
$a = new Area($_POST['areaHandle']);
$c = Page::getByID($_POST['cID']);
// display() always shunts everything directly to browser, so we need to capture
// hide me
$blocks = $a->getAreaBlocksArray($c);
foreach($blocks as $block) {
if ( $block->getBlockTypeHandle() != 'save_area_to_pdf' ) {
function action_submit_form() {
if ( isset($_POST['cID'] )) {
$a = new Area($_POST['areaHandle']);
$c = Page::getByID($_POST['cID']);
// display() always shunts everything directly to browser, so we need to capture
// hide me
$blocks = $a->getAreaBlocksArray($c);
foreach($blocks as $block) {
if ( $block->getBlockTypeHandle() != 'save_area_to_pdf' ) {
the cId comes from a hidden input field in the view.php so you should check that that field actually has a value. Maybe that for some reason, the field doesn't get a value.
That's really weird though, works fine here.
That's really weird though, works fine here.
Can anyone look through these error messages regarding this conversation? Messegase are generated from theme/green_salad/view.php, from near the "isEdit" lines.
Notice: Undefined index: Header Nav in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined index: Header Nav in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 368
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 372
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined index: header in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 747
Notice: Undefined index: Header in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined index: Header in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 368
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 372
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined index: Main in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 420
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 432
Notice: Undefined property: BlockView::$hasRendered in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/block_view.php on line 169
Notice: Undefined property: ContentBlockController::$renderOverride in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/controller.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 446
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 420
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 432
Notice: Undefined property: BlockView::$hasRendered in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/block_view.php on line 169
Notice: Undefined variable: path in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 407
Notice: Undefined variable: path in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 409
Notice: Undefined property: Block::$bActionCID in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/block.php on line 738
Notice: Undefined property: SaveAreaToPdfBlockController::$renderOverride in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/controller.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 446
Notice: Undefined index: Main in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined index: Header Nav in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined index: Header Nav in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 368
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 372
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined index: header in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 747
Notice: Undefined index: Header in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined index: Header in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 368
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 372
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined index: Main in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 420
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 432
Notice: Undefined property: BlockView::$hasRendered in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/block_view.php on line 169
Notice: Undefined property: ContentBlockController::$renderOverride in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/controller.php on line 57
This is the content of the content block, area Main.
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 446
Notice: Undefined property: Area::$arIsGlobal in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 420
Notice: Undefined property: CollectionPermissions::$permissions in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/permissions.php on line 464
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 432
Notice: Undefined property: BlockView::$hasRendered in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/block_view.php on line 169
Notice: Undefined variable: path in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 407
Notice: Undefined variable: path in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 409
Notice: Undefined property: Block::$bActionCID in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/block.php on line 738
Notice: Undefined property: SaveAreaToPdfBlockController::$renderOverride in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/libraries/controller.php on line 57
This is the Save-To-PDF-button.
Notice: Undefined variable: includeEditStrip in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/area.php on line 446
Notice: Undefined index: Main in /home/putniktg/public_html/concrete/models/collection.php on line 463