Search for plural?

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When I search my site for "dogs" or "chainsaws" I get results, but when I search for "dog" or "chainsaw" I get nothing, i.e., "There were no results found. Please try another keyword or phrase."

Any way to work around this?

Is there a way to search for parts of words, for example, can "water" find "waterfall" or "waterfalls"?

dibbc replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I'm no help, but your search terms of "dogs and chainsaws" made me laugh and wonder just what kind of site you are running over there!

waterfeller replied on at Permalink Reply
Hiking and Trail Maintenance. We try to discourage dogs by educating hikers rather than with chainsaws.

But hoping for some help with this...
SteveAtParadigm replied on at Permalink Reply
I am having the same problem.

My client's site has part # "DC650",
and searching "C650" turns up results,
while "650" does not return results.

Can search do parts of words? And does it search for 'all' words in the search term or 'any' word in the search term?
hursey013 replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't quote me on it, but I believe the default settings in c5 require that a search query be at least 4 characters long, which would explain the "C650" vs "650" results.

I know there are some other threads in the forum that mention that - I'll post them if I can find them again.