Search Not Picking Up Title & Product Attributes Keywords

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Search is not picking up any SKU product attributes on the website and even keywords in the title are not being picked up as results. I know the Lucene search doesn't always get everything but right now it is missing lots of pages and I wanted to make sure I didn't have something messed up on my end. These are the settings that I have:

- Search block is set to Search Everywhere
- Running C5
- All ecommcerce product attributes are set to 'Content included in Keyword Search'
- Search index has been run
- Meta title Page attribute set to 'Content included in Keyword Search'

I think I have everything on my end setup correctly but the search results are missing sometimes dozens of pages when you do a keyword search. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

jva1601 replied on at Permalink Reply
I had the same issue when doing a search against products I uploaded into the ecommerce. Then following Franz instructions I added another product attribute using the text area, added some keywords one per row, enabled searchable by keywords and I was able to achieve what I wanted. Have you already created a separate attribute just for the SKU so they could be search?

Here is the tread where I posted my question:
pixo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! I'll give that a try.
pixo replied on at Permalink Reply
After looking a little closer at what he is describing that is basically what I did. For example, I have product attribute that is searchable called SKU. When I copy and paste the displayed SKU into the search box I get no results. I think what I have done is setup properly, but for some reason search isn't working properly.
glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
My suggestions would be:
Clear the Dashboard Cache.
Rerun the Search Index Job under the Maintenance Dashboard Page.
pixo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply. I cleared the dashboard cache and re-ran the search indexer but it still isn't picking up my test SKU that doesn't have the dash on this page...