Selected template not rendering?

Hey folks,

I edited a subpage of my site with a left-side template, and now my whole site displays with the left sidebar template. Funny, when i goto the home page and hit edit, the page renders with the original template (no sidebars), and the homepage template is selected.

Ideas!!? Many thanks...


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The thing about the home page looking different in edit mode is strange. Did you clear your C5 cache (Dashboard -> Sitewide Settings)?

Perhaps you changed the home page template but left it in preview mode (haven't published it yet)?

Not sure about the other pages -- are you saying that you edited some theme files and now the whole site looks different, or you just edited content on a page via the "Edit Mode" button in the toolbar and then all of the pages changed? Bizarre... hopefully clearing the cache fixes it, otherwise I'm stumped!