SEO Add-On for 5.7 and higher

By default, you can only setup a few things within concrete5 for SEO purposes. There are no real SEO Add-Ons available for concrete5. At least, there were none...

Devoda SEO is an All-in-One solution for all the SEO you need with your concrete5 website. Before developing this Add-On, other Add-Ons (plugins) from CMS'es have been installed to take the best ouf of all and combine them into one for concrete5. Also a lot of research on what could be missing or what could be improved. These elements combined, should make this THE Add-On one would need to turn a "normal" concrete5 website into a great SEO(-friendly) concrete5 website.

There is always room for improvement of course, so if you think there is anything missing/wrong, let's hear it!

Devoda SEO just got released and it's massive. A few clients are using this already and why shouldn't you too?

Questions/suggestions/thumbs can go into this thread!
