Show extrenal page inside concrete5 page?

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Is there a way to include/embed/show an external web page inside a concrete5 page?
Use case: Small firm has a concrete5 site. Booking is a 3rd party system - a nice little web page with a coulpe of fields and buttons. I can't replace it with my own form, as there is integration to other vital systems - this is the reason it is 3rd party.

So I would like to display this page as it is - inside my concrete5 theme, with navigation etc.

Possible? Stupid?

Sverre, Norway

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try using the iFrame block from Remo:
sverre replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, Adajad!
That solved my problem excellently!
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm glad it worked for you.