Side navigation edits

I am taking over a web site for a client and can not figure out how to edit this left navigation area.

See the blue navigation squares? When I click on it to edit mode all I get is a edit php panel. The path it shows points to a file I can not find anywhere.


I need to change the names and aref on several of the pages, so figuring this out will be much appreciated.

tommyh replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like it might be hardcoded in php code. have you navigated to packages/themes/im/styleguide/content/menu_sidebar_buttons.htm on your server to see what the code shows there?
TGoedde replied on at Permalink Reply
I have followed the path and the file does not exist anywhere on the server or local files. Which is so odd as it obviously works. Very perplexing.
tommyh replied on at Permalink Reply
Take a look at your theme path in /config (ton confirm) and make sure you are looking in the correct place. Themes are placed in in packages however if it is custom it could have been placed anywhere.

Can you post the code that pops up as a screen shot?
TGoedde replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here is what I get when I click edit.
jero replied on at Permalink Reply
Since it's using the PHP include function, it's going to be somewhere within the included path list.

Perhaps you need to put

in your template - this will show a list of folders that are searched.

The path your attachment shows is a relative one, so there will be a themes folder within one of those listed.