Sisimizi's download - page not found

I've got Sisimizi's download block installed.
The page including this block is under home/about-us/newsletters. 'Newsletters' is the page with the Sisimizi's block.
When I enter the page directly from dashboard/sitemap the block is working ok.
But when I use the normal navigation from Home page (as a visitor to the site would do) - the sisimizi's block is not working. I get 'page not found' error.
The point is that when entering the page newsletters form dashboard Sisimizi's uses correct path:
but when using the navigation on the site the URL is transformed into: so the additional 'about-us/newsletters' is being added.
How can I get rid of it?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Could you post the REAL url? It might be a duplicate path in your Page Properties tab (see image). Also go to dashboard > Sitewide Setting > Debug and clear the cache and refresh the databases. That might help.
aleksandra replied on at Permalink Reply
The real urls:
-correct one - on entering 'newsletters' page directly from dashboard -
-faulty - browsing the site -

I've removed duplicate path in page properties - unfortunately there's no change.

At the moment I've got the cache disabled.

Thank you, Aleksandra
smartwebprojects replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try editing 'packages/sisimizis_download_folder/blocks/sisimizis_download_folder/view.php':


<td align="left" height="21"><a href="<?php  echo $_relpath.$files[$i]; ?>"><?php  echo $files[$i]; ?></a></td>


<td align="left" height="21"><a href="<?php  echo DIR_REL.'/'.$_relpath.$files[$i]; ?>"><?php  echo $files[$i]; ?></a></td>
aleksandra replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! Thank you! :)
stoutsvillecamp replied on at Permalink Reply