Site Name won't change

I tried changing my site name for my site on the navigation bar. I recently just bought a new domain name that I will be setting up and need the site to match obviously. I need to change it to RideCFL instead of RideCNY. I typed it into the box, says it has changed my site name but nothing happened. any ideas?

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure that it doesn't hard coded into the php page. Also have you tried clearing your cache?

blacroce replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe I have cacheing disabled.
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
It did change the site name the label on the tab in Chrome says RideCFL::Home.

Have you tried to take a look at the header itself and see if there is a editable block there with the site name in it?

What theme are you using?
blacroce replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried editing the header but it doesn't show that site name. Is it possible that it will only reflect the actually websites name? meaning once I change my domain name, that will also change? I am using the theme "Dark Chocolate"
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
No, domain name has nothing to do with the name that shows up on your site.

I tested it with the Dark Chocolate theme and it changed just fine.

How about you go back to the System & Settings > Site Name. Double check that the name is changed there. If it has not changed there, then it must not have taken last time.
blacroce replied on at Permalink Reply
Well I find the site name under sitewide settings. Not system & settings. I tried changing it a few times now. I also tried updating to the newest version of concrete5 but for some reason I can't do that either. could that cause it?
rritz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Display on nav of the browser is ok, as far as I can see.

To change the display in your page go to dashboard - Scrapbook
Go to Global Scrapbook and add a block - call it My_Site_Name
Important! The block My_Site_Name is called up in the header.php of your theme.
The block can be an image - your logo for instance, or a simple content block with your new site name.

hope this helps
blacroce replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked! Thank you very much!