Site Title - Changing Stack only changes Meta Data?

When I installed Concrete5.5, I identified the website as "My New Website". I want to change it for SEO to "My New Website - Educational Services".

However, changing it through Dashboard/Stack yields the following HTML code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>My New Website :: Home</title>
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="generator" content="concrete5 - 5.5.1" />

ONLY later in the body section does the "new" title appear:
<div id="header">
<h1><a title="Home" href="/">My New Website - Educational Services</a></h1>

How can i REALLY change the site <title>?

jessicadunbar replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have a link?
bearcatk replied on at Permalink Reply
Old title=JGs Reptile Road Show
Desired title to be "JGs Reptile Road Show - Educational Reptile Shows.

Working AOK as Titles across the website pages, but the underlying HTML code does not set the <title> of the site to this new value. Its derived in the body.
bearcatk replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind - I found that if you change it under Dashboard ->System and Settings, the <title> block will now appear as desired.

Interesting that the acutal Site Name as defined in System and Settings is not the one used to display the site name across the pages.