Site Title editing

Hi guys!

I have a problem to make ANY EDITING of Site Title .
I use ThemeShift Theme (but the problem is not only with that one).

I am not a coder, but user of earlier version of concrete5.
At the moment I have a latest version.

Could you kindly advice?

Thanks in advance

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
What the problem is?

Tato replied on at Permalink Reply
I wanna replace Site Title by my_company_title and I can not do it:

Any advice pls?
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You can do this by login into site and go to the below link.

from this link you can easily change the site title as you wish.
Tato replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! Its working

And how can I replace the site name with a company logo?

Many thanks in advance
ManChicken replied on at Permalink Reply
A lot of themes will replace the site name with a block called My_Site_Name if it exists.

You could for instance make a new Stack, call it whatever you want like Site Logo, and add an image block to that stack. After you choose the image, click the block and choose Custom Template and give the block the name My_Site_Name