Site wont open due to error message.

I get this error message after installing an add on:-

The class 'Concrete\Package\AccordionPro\Src\Entity\StylePreset' was not found in the chain configured namespaces Concrete\Core\Entity

Can't figure out how to get out of this as uninstalling or deleting addon makes matters worse as controller files are then missing. Using 8.1.
Any one help ?
Many thanks.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you upgraded to the most recent Accordion Pro version? It says that it's Version 8 compatible.

Also, you might try to clear the cache if you haven't already could be something stuck in the cache.
tjbphoto replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks hutman
But I've done those things.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried contacting the add-on developer?