SItemap Move/Copy Error

When trying to move or copy part of a tree to another tree we are getting a SQL exception error.
"An exception occurred while executing 'select bID, cvID, arHandle, cbDisplayOrder, cbOverrideAreaPermissions, cbINcludeAll, cbRekationID from CollectionVersionBlocks where cID='' and cvID=() ' "
See the attached image for the detail.

Testing has shown that this occurs most often when choosing Copy page + children
A work around is to copy the parent first and then copy the children.

This isn't an error that is repeatable, when it occurs for a particular copy sub tree then it will fail consistently. It occurs once in several hundred move/copy.

The environment:- C5-V8.1, nginx, php7.0-fpm
I have checked the C5 and system logs but can not find then issue recorded.

I have attached 2 examples one from today and the previous one from 5th July

2 Attachments
