Slideshows, and Galleria Image Gallery - 'Group' viewing problems

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Slideshow, and Galleria Image Gallery do not seem to show up when I view then as Public, nor do they appear when logged in as an 'accepted' Member. Yet I can view when logged in as a member of the 'Editor' Group or 'Admin' group. I have had some irregular, and inconsistant problems with this. Had it fixed I thought, then it started again.

What controls this? I have tried deleting the slideshow or galleria, resetting page permissions, checking the group permissions for viewing and editing very carefully, etc.

Have also cleared the cache and rebuilt it.
Now none of the slideshows or Galleria Image Gallery's show!!!

How can I get control of these?

I have the following groups:
Public - view certain pages.
Registered - view all pages
Member - view all pages
Editor - edit pages no dashboard

Any help would be appreciated,

Also am using Concrete5 5.4.1

Logged out, then logged back in as admin.
The slideshow seems to work after going into edit page, edit slideshow block, then saving and updating the page, also Galleria Image Galleries were working with no action needed.

However when I log in as an Editor, the Slideshows work, but the Galleria Image Galleries do not seem to now, yet they were working when signed in as Admin.

The slideshows and galleria image galleries do not seem to show up when from "Public" or "Member" now.

I wish I understood this action.

fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
There appear to be several problems which caused this.

1. I had decided to "exclude the "Home" page from viewing and had copied the same material to another page called "schedule" which basically took the place of the home page. When I exited or logged out, I became a guest, and for some reason the "Home" page would appear, without the slideshow. I decided to make the "Home" page something more immediate that changes often, like News, and have it show to the "Public" and kept the "Schedule" page.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
This is limiting the # response characters for some reason...

2. The slideshows were still blanking out or dropping out, and yet I would "refresh" then when logged in as admin in this way, I would edit page, edit the slideshow block, save the block, and the slideshow would appear again, then I would update the page and then log out and the slideshow seemed to work. But then next time I hit that page, it would disappear, or it would even just disappear when I logged out to become "public".

I then deleted all the versioning for each page, some pages had 50 versions, trying to clean things up.

I then checked the sizes of the resolution for each photo in the slideshow, all were 800 or less wide, and 192 or less high, just as required.

I then under my admin login, went to dashboard > File Manager > Sets and then click on the second page where the Slideshow set was and get an error message

"Invalid form token. Please reload this form and submit again."

I searched the forums and found that two php.ini files in my Wampserver (windows) were set to only 2mb for uploads.

See this

Alemao left this note at the bottom:
max file upload - Jun 25, 2009 at 10:44 AM
If you don't have access to your php.ini and mostlikely if you are on a shared host you don't have this access you can put the following lines into your .htaccess file and it should work to upload bigger files.

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

you can setup the max file upload by changing the 64M to whatever.

Cheers Alemao

I changed my two php.ini files on the Apache server and under php to match these.
These settings were 2m and 30 secs originally. I shutdown the wampserver and rebooted. Things seem to be a little faster now, but the slideshow still blanked out when I logged out and became a "public" user. I need more experience with this however. - Later - I must have missed "refreshing" one of the slideshows on one of the pages. Slideshows appear to be working better now when I log out and view as a "public" user. Hooray! This has been a pain figuring it out.

When logged in as admin, in the Dashboard > File Manager > Sets when I click on Page 1,2,3,4 there are no red error messages either!

I guess when setting up a wampserver we should check the max upload memory etc in the php.ini.

When using this wampserver site on my windows laptop, as a "Public" user it is much faster, which is just great. I wonder if I should increase memory from 64mb to 256mb for php.ini settings? The laptop has 2gb ram.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Yikes, I logged of the localhost website, closed firefox, exited and shutdown the wampserver, then restarted it all, and typed in "localhost" to get on my local website.

The "Home" page loaded fine, but it did not have the slideshow! Again! I checked the "Schedule" page and it did not have the slideshow at the head. Several other pages did.

I cleared the browser cache. No luck. I logged in as Admin, and went to the dashboard, updated the indexes, deleted the cache, and then updated the cache. When I went back to the site there was a slideshow showing on the home page, still not sure, I logged out of admin and became a "public" user. The slideshow still showed.

I closed firefox and the wampserver and reopened them, then all pages loaded with the slideshow! I hope that does it now!
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
This morning after shutdown last night, I started the Wampserver, Firefox, and typed in the URL "localhost". The HOME page of the website came up WITHOUT the "Slideshow" showing. This is as Joe Q "PUBLIC" user. The slideshow is the php slideshow block that is used with the Plain Yogurt theme, but I've copied it to c:\wamp\www\themes\ as SHYCcruise and particularized it for our website.

I am getting pretty discouraged now. I've tried everything and checked everything I could think of and I am almost ready to give up on Concrete5.

I suppose I could delete the problem pages with slideshows and recreate them. Including the Home page, but I have no assurance that will fix the problem either.

I've just gone into the Dashboard > Add Functionality > Core Block Types > Slideshow > Edit and hit "Refesh". I've never done this and do not know what it does. Logging out and viewing as "Public" no Slideshow appears. --No slideshow when I login as adim either. I am sure if I delete the slideshow block and reinsert it again, it will work properly a few times and then fail. I am going to quit this foolishness.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, I am stubborn. I've deleted the slideshow block and reinserted without using Sets, but have selected individual photos for the slideshow. Maybe that will make a difference.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I've shutdown the computer, after getting all slideshows working when I am just a "public" user, by deleting the slideshow block and reinserting.

Then I rebooted, started wampserver, firefox, url localhost, the HOME pages and one other that I just deleted the slideshow block and then reinserted a new slideshow block and then picked a certain predefined "Set" of photos (that I have checked for size, etc) with "random", DO NOT APPEAR. The slideshow is not present when a "pubic" user or logged in.

However! The SCHEDULE page works! This is a page where I deleted the slideshow block, and reinserted a new slideshow block and then picked "custom slideshow" then ADDED about 10 images from the exact same predefined set that failed. This works fine. It came up as "public" user and when logged in.

So, it appears that something is wrong with the full predefined "set" of images! Could it be that there are too many images in the set, causing the slideshow to fail? I have 23 slides, ranging from 79kb to 10kb (800 pixels or less x 192 pixels or less).

It took me 3weeks off and on to get this far on this one problem.
Any ideas?
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Several Days later... I am still having problems with the "slideshow" as used in Plain Vanilla Theme, disappearing.

I now attribute it to when I shut down the WAMPSERVER. I believe that every time I shut down the WAMPSERVER and shut down my laptop, the connections or cache for the Slideshow Blocks is corrupted or lost. Therefore I have to delete and recreate each slideshow block to get it back.

I am going to proceed with uploading to my VPS now, assuming that the server will be running continuously, but I do not relish reestablishing each Slideshow Block when I have to reboot the server.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

fcgleason replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Before I forget it, the answer the this problem was, when using Slideshows in a Header, similar to the interoptics jpegs in the Plain Vanilla Theme, you should NOT use Image Sets! Otherwise after logging out of the site and then browsing back to the site, the images will not appear to the "public" or to the person who logs in as a registered user or editor, until the slideshow block is edited and the set reselected. -- And it will still keep disappearing each time the wampserver is shutdown and each time someone logs out.

I believe the answer is NOT to use "File Manager" "Sets" to define the slideshow, simply pick individual images and add them separately to the slideshow.
Abs0lute replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey fcgleason!
I'm in the same boat, though I'm on an Apache server.
But I'm using Galleria, and it will load the thumbnails, but the main image never loads. . .unless I'm logged in as admin.
Very odd. Works fine when I'm in edit mode. Doesn't work as a normal user browsing the site, except for the thumbnails.
I tried your method of inserting individually rather than a set, and I get the same result.
This issue seems to carry little importance in the forums, as evident by your many posts only. I'll try to help. Just wanted to see if you ever got it working. . . or did you give up on c5 b/c a block wouldn't work? I hope not.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
You could look at this string too. I found that I had to set my php.ini settings higher, see below link, and it started working, but you might also want to try checking the size of your photo files (optimize them for the web, best between 50k and 150k in my opinion and experience.), try reuploading say three or four photo files and use only those, if that does not work, delete the gallery block and reinsert. Then finally try deleting and reinstalling the addon. Don't give up..
Also I found things generally work faster and better on a VPS than a Windows Wampserver.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Also check your permissions in the Dashboard. Do you have advanced permissions set or not? -(This is not necessary, by the way. Just wondered because it works in edit mode... so it could be something to do with permissions.) Perhaps check users and groups settings too.
Abs0lute replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks fc!
I'll try these out, though mostly I've tried everything you did.
My images are saved for web, avg. size of of 75-100Kb.
I have my permissions set for users to see the images.
I'll tinker a little more and get back to you. So did you ever get it to work properly?
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, It is all working properly now.
I was having trouble while using Wampserver on my PC under windows.

You can see the slideshow but not the other photos which are for
registered users, they work.

On 1/19/2011 9:30 AM, Concrete5 Community wrote:
Abs0lute replied on at Permalink Reply
Nice looking site! Looks like it's coming together well. While I live in the mountains, I love to take beach trips and do watercolor paintings boats and harbors, there's just something very romantic (in art terms) about it.
Looks like you're using the slideshow, is that right?
I don't have issues w/ the slideshow, just the galleria plug-in. Slideshow works fine, but Galleria plug-in only shows thumbnails, not the main pic, unless I'm logged in, then it works.
I'll keep you posted.
Abs0lute replied on at Permalink Reply
Screw it, I'm going to buy an image gallery.
After alot of trial and error and searching and posting, I've come to the conclusion that this add-on is currently useless.

What version of c5 are you using?

I'm running the latest version,, and there's nothing I can do to get it to work right, except in edit mode. I hate a tease!
Wasted too much time only to discover that the creator isn't updating it. If it's not updated soon, it should be removed from the marketplace, as it's going to cause headaches for anyone w/ a newer version of c5.
Thanks for you help!
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
I am using but was having the problems on my Wampserver setup on my Windows Laptop.

I know exactly how you feel! It's a lot of effort. Please try checking your php.ini settings for size. It is sounding more and more like that is a problem to me, but I am no expert.

Also write Jordan Lev and ask him, he's very helpful. He built Sortable Fancy Gallery (free) and he has an even better one.

He has optimized that gallery for memory etc. but he might have some suggestions. Don't give up on it yet. Write him, see the link on the page link above.

Also start doing something else important for the website, to let this settle... after writing Jordan Lev

This is the other gallery I thought would have good flexibilty and is highly rated but Jordan's works for me right now. Tony was also very helpful and very talented.

This is harder work than people think. You'll get it. Work on something else for awhile. Think about it.
fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
Try the free version of the "sortable fancy gallery" - I think thats
it. I think it is better and the paid version is even better. Jordan Lev
was very helpful.

There is another Photo Gallery by Tony that is also very full featured
and gets excellent reviews. Now I think I migrated away from the
Galleria, come to think of it.... sorry about not remembering that, but
I would have to check my website.

I think I used the Slideshow for headers and Sortable Fancy for other pages.


On 1/19/2011 11:33 AM, Concrete5 Community wrote: