Slow page load with auto nav - lots of pages to load
We have an issue with our page load time that's been a consistent pain.
We have a blog archive that has to load all blog posts made in a certain year, and in some cases there are upwards of around 500 posts total for a year, which is a pain to load on a page all at once. We have tried using Auto Navs, and Date-Navs, but both are too slow.
You can see an example of one of the pages at
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to display the information in a way that would continue to auto-update as new posts are made, but also severely increase page speed?
We have a blog archive that has to load all blog posts made in a certain year, and in some cases there are upwards of around 500 posts total for a year, which is a pain to load on a page all at once. We have tried using Auto Navs, and Date-Navs, but both are too slow.
You can see an example of one of the pages at
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to display the information in a way that would continue to auto-update as new posts are made, but also severely increase page speed?

I know this is an old thread but have you solved this and if so, how did you solve it?
Recently I switched from local MySQL server to a cloud hosted service. Page processing times increased significantly in some cases. Sites with only one autonav and small number of pages work just fine. But sites with multiple autonav's experienced some drastic drops in performance, say 500 ms --> 3000 ms page processing time.
Since performance drop will likely affect user experience negatively, I'm currently writing a custom navigation to replace autonav. Here's my idea in case someone wants to implement a similar solution:
1. Create a page that writes entire sitemap to a text file (xml/json). Call this page on page load (or maybe on more specific event like page add/modify) when admin user (or group member) is logged in. Make calls in background with Ajax so that page speed is not impacted for editors.
2. Render sites' navigation elements by parsing the file. Parsing is really fast compared to Concrete5's autonav, so it doesn't matter that much how many navigation elements your page template has or how many pages there are to be displayed.
I've been testing this preliminary and seems I'm getting back those acceptable 500 ms page load times again.
Since performance drop will likely affect user experience negatively, I'm currently writing a custom navigation to replace autonav. Here's my idea in case someone wants to implement a similar solution:
1. Create a page that writes entire sitemap to a text file (xml/json). Call this page on page load (or maybe on more specific event like page add/modify) when admin user (or group member) is logged in. Make calls in background with Ajax so that page speed is not impacted for editors.
2. Render sites' navigation elements by parsing the file. Parsing is really fast compared to Concrete5's autonav, so it doesn't matter that much how many navigation elements your page template has or how many pages there are to be displayed.
I've been testing this preliminary and seems I'm getting back those acceptable 500 ms page load times again.