Space out editable selectors

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I started this post on December 2009. Got a hint but not the answer.

I guess "page_controls_menu_js.php" located in concrete/tools is file which controls the editing process.

But <? if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?>
<div style="min-height: 80px">
<? } ?>

Does not work.

As editable spaces overlap one to each other, people usually have a hard time editing.

Please post a solution; this will be a very helpful one... thanks.

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Saw your previous post...

Shouldnt you past that snippet in the custom theme your making?
Dinamicore replied on at Permalink Reply
This suggested solution worked right away. Put the following code inside the divisions of the default.php of template that needed the spacing:

<?php if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?>
<div style="min-height: 80px">
<?php } ?>

In order to work, the code to be placed between the div and the php content edit code, this way:

<div id="menuasistente"> <?php if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?><div style="min-height: 80px"><?php } ?>
$menu = new Area('Menu asistente');
