SSL certificate error


I have succesfully added SSL certificates before but this time is giving me a strange "error" (there is no error displayed but on the other hand neither it is ok)

Firefox, Chrome and Safari have as an error "not all content is protected"

The website is

Do you guys know what am i doing wrong?


ppisoban replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi vasileiosg,

I'm just going through this with a client at the moment and have had to go through the entire site to fix this for them!

Looking at your site, some of the pages have a mixture of secure and insecure resources and that's why you are getting warnings on the address bar.

I only checked one page (but I suspect it'll be the same reason on other pages), If you view the source code in your browser and then search the page (Ctrl F) for all instances of http: and click 'Highlight All', you'll see all instances where you have used http: to link to resources. If you edit the page and change these links to https: then you should get rid of the errors.

An example on that page would be This should start with https:

I hope that makes sense! :)

