
I noticed the dashboard tracks your # of visits over the past 5 days. Is there a way to customize this so that the information tracks over a longer period of time?

Thanks in advance,


nolmscheid replied on at Permalink Reply
You could edit the chart_handler.php file. The core file can be found at:


You could change line 19 to read:

for ($i = -9; $i < 1; $i++) {

This would show the last 10 days instead of the last 5 days.

You could also change the key labels at the bottom to list the name of each day with out skipping one although it starts to get cramped. You could change the last variable to a 1 instead of a 2 telling it to increment by one day of the week instead of two.

$g->set_x_label_style( 10, '#ababab', 0, 1 );
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply