Strange Behaviour when Editing using IE

One of my clients has tried to edit her site that I built (and host in-house) and she is experiencing problems when using IE8. I have attached a screenshot but it seems that the top C5 icons are stacking above each other rather than displaying in-line. The problem does not occur in Chrome or in Firefox, just IE. I cannot duplicate her problem using IE8 on my machines.

Is it possible that her business (State Government Department) has altered the settings of IE8 as a part of their standard operating system (SOE)setup on all their computers. They do not allow alternate browsers to be installed so she has to do her editing from home. I am not sure where to start looking for this solution so I am interested if anyone else has experienced this problem.

Regards Ian

1 Attachment

sniggitysnax replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that it is probably an issue with the scope of her CSS. What is the URL for the site? I could firebug it and look into it, but right off the bat, it seems to me that the CSS is interfering with the toolbar icons.
ianj replied on at Permalink Reply
URL of the site is


sniggitysnax replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
From what I could see, it seems that it's an issue with CSS or some interference with the <li> elements in the C5 toolbar.
Try and put this in the head to see if it remedies the problem.
<!--[if IE 8]>
<style type="text/css">
ul#ccm-system-nav li, ul#ccm-main-nav li, ul#ccm-main-nav li.ccm-nav-rolloversOff:hover

Throw that in the header.php of the site and see if that does it.
ianj replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that. I will give it a shot.

Regards Ian