Stuck at
Dashboard reports "The latest version of Concrete5 is You are running Update Now!"
When I click Update Now! if offers to download the update (if the /update/concrete5.4.0.5 folder does not exist). I click download and then it asks "An update is available. Click below to update to"
I click the Upgrade button and it reports "Upgrade to complete!"
I have tried numerous variations on this and can't seem to get beyond
Can you help?
When I click Update Now! if offers to download the update (if the /update/concrete5.4.0.5 folder does not exist). I click download and then it asks "An update is available. Click below to update to"
I click the Upgrade button and it reports "Upgrade to complete!"
I have tried numerous variations on this and can't seem to get beyond
Can you help?

Did you check /tmp and /updates permissions? Since you could download but not install the update.
/tmp was 755. changing to 777 made no difference.
I created tmp in the webspace root and in the C5 website directory. again no change.
/updates in the c5 website directory was 755 and changing 777 made no diff.
/updates/concrete5.4.0.5 was already 777
Still stuck.
I created tmp in the webspace root and in the C5 website directory. again no change.
/updates in the c5 website directory was 755 and changing 777 made no diff.
/updates/concrete5.4.0.5 was already 777
Still stuck.