Sub menu shown on hover.
Hi all,
I am very new to C5 and so far I love it. I am converting a static site to C5 for a client and need to copy the way the current nav behaves. If you go here ( and hover over ABOUT US you will see what I mean.
At the moment I can only get the subnav to appear all the time.
Any ideas or suggestions of add-ons that will help?
I am very new to C5 and so far I love it. I am converting a static site to C5 for a client and need to copy the way the current nav behaves. If you go here ( and hover over ABOUT US you will see what I mean.
At the moment I can only get the subnav to appear all the time.
Any ideas or suggestions of add-ons that will help?

you can make it into a css menu or use a js plugin
Do you know how to make a drop-down menu in plain old HTML/CSS (like on a static page, not in a CMS)?
If so, then there's not much to porting it over to C5 -- change the css selectors in your dropdown code to reference ul.nav, then include whatever CSS and JS you need in your theme's <head> (usually in elements/header.php file), and add an autonav block to a page (if not already there).
If you don't already know how to create dropdown menus, you can either learn (there are zillions of tutorials online for this -- it has nothing specifically to do with Concrete5), or you can purchase the Superfish Dropdown Menu plugin from the marketplace (I believe it's $15).
Good luck!
If so, then there's not much to porting it over to C5 -- change the css selectors in your dropdown code to reference ul.nav, then include whatever CSS and JS you need in your theme's <head> (usually in elements/header.php file), and add an autonav block to a page (if not already there).
If you don't already know how to create dropdown menus, you can either learn (there are zillions of tutorials online for this -- it has nothing specifically to do with Concrete5), or you can purchase the Superfish Dropdown Menu plugin from the marketplace (I believe it's $15).
Good luck!