Suddenly PNGs do not work in IE browsers

This site was fine for 6 months, then I messed with cacheing because people were never seeing my updates. Then I saw it on ie10, 9,8 and all pngs have red Xs the alt text and an outline, plus the images show. Why would the pngs suddenly stop working OR do you think they never worked in IE?

Jimk814 replied on at Permalink Reply
I am in the process of replacing every png with a gif or jpg. I'd still like to know if I should avoid PNGs with ie
keeasti replied on at Permalink Reply
PNGs should work fine in IE.
What I did notice though was that your images are huge and then scaled down by the browser to the size you have set. This is definitely not a good idea as it makes the images/pages very slow to load.
You should resize them. You can do this either locally and re-upload them or use the excellent free Picmonkey add-on and do it server side.
barco57 replied on at Permalink Reply
Its weird behavior...if I scroll down on the about page so I can see the missing images and hit ctrl-f5 to reload the page the images make an appearance for a split second.
keeasti replied on at Permalink Reply
OK - I took a look at the code and I think it has something to do with the Microsoft proprietary filters that are applied for IE like so:

progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='', sizingMethod='scale')

not sure what it is used for (maybe scaling) but have a look here for more info: