Supermint accordion and tabs not working

Hey guys how could i fix this?

siton replied on at Permalink Reply
This is really really general Q but try:
1) Inspect element (chrome - firefox) see any errors ? (add screenshot or link)
2) You have all the assets you need in your theme (JS and so on).
3) If you change the custom view template check your markup.
4) Clear cache

And again give us more data (always not working or only when you logout, in all pages or in specific one, other JS plugins work for you fine?) "not working" its not enough.
daren05 replied on at Permalink Reply
ok thanks a lot!
Heres the link of the webpage

I just disable the page that containing accordion
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Contact Supermint's developer. It's his job to fix it.
daren05 replied on at Permalink Reply
Supermint support page is not replying
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
daren05 replied on at Permalink Reply
ok ill try thanks! :)
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Looking at the page source and the developer console, there is an error message "(index):458 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).elevateZoom is not a function".

This is called from the source at line 458:
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#vivid-thumb-gallery-2364 img").elevateZoom();

So the problem could be originating in vivid thumb gallery, not in supermint. Try uninstalling the vivid thumb gallery and that may allow supermint's tabs to work.

I still think Magic Tabs is a prettier solution. But the problem with vivid thumb gallery would likely also prevent Magic Tabs from working - and many other javascript based addons.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
There is also an error reported for supermint: " 404 (Not Found)"
But that is likely to just be a presentation issue and not be preventing anything else from working.
daren05 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot sir
Now its working, i just remove sa gallery page