Survey Data Not Showing in Dashboard Reports

The Survey data lists: Option, IP Address, Date, and User as what appears to be the headings for the data table; however, there is no data reporting. Yes, I have a survey up on our site and have had "votes". The graph is reporting the results on the survey data page, but as I said, the data table is blank. So, is there something I need to do to have the data table receive or show data?

damery replied on at Permalink Reply
I just looked at mine and I have the same results. I have a chart of the votes but NO voter information (IP; Option; Date) etc.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply 5 Attachments
I have two surveys on my site and the data reports correctly. Check to make sure your bID in your browser "View Source" is the same as the bID in your database. See my attached images showing the view Sequel Pro gives me when I look at the database. If the page is different than the DB change the db bID to match. (BACKUP YOUR DB FIRST) I've had this problem before and this thread helped.

apavon replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same exact problem with two surveys. I don't know what you mean with the same bid for the database an the source. I'd like to know if there's a fix or something that prevents this from happening every time i add a survey.
P.S. i'm using concrete5