Swapping Home Page

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My home page is corrupted by a widget that creates a Fatal Error.

I would like to either 1) roll back to an earlier version of the home page (without the error)

or 2) create a new home page, delete the old home page and then I can rebuild that page.

Home page appears special case page as root of public.html so not sure how I an do either of the above.

Anyone done this?

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to Dashbaord - Sitemap and change the version in there to a previous one?
RichardGraham replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks - it won't let me copy/move an older version of the home page to the current sheet.

Which button sequence allows you to do that?

Best wishes
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Within the Full Sitemap, click the homepage, click "Versions" (in the popup/dropdown) and approve one of the earlier versions.
RichardGraham replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks ... that's really helpful.

I will use this in the future....

I have just fixed the underlying fault that has corrupted the home page, after a web share with a local developer I know.

This is a separate post. I am surprised by the number of people having the same problem that I had. If a page gets corrupted, you lose the editor. Catch22 - you can't then edit the issue.

Best wishes and thanks for your replies.