Text alignment in Content block

I'm building my first website in C5. I'm concerned I cannot make text align as I want. It looked fine int he page edit mode, but when saved, it aligns unexpectedly. Here's the page:http://ifteachersonlyknew.org/index.php/contact-us/...

I want the "Please complete..." to align flush left.

I would appreciate any assistance.

Thank you.


adajad replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
As far as I can see it is flush to the left in the area. It aligns perfectly with the heading and the form labels.

Please see attached screen shot.
jimkahnw replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your message.

I finally was able to align the text. By default the first line of text in a content box gets the N1 style. When I press return and enter a new line of type, it gets plain style by default. I changed this style, alignment via the buttons in the text editor and I played with the html code. Nothing worked to force it to flush left.

I then changed the N1 style to N2 and that did the trick. The N2 style looks exactly like the N1 style, but the next line of type is aligned properly.

Is this a bug? Have can you replicated this performance?