Theme installed, wysiwyg editor looks nothing like published page.
I've been reading some other posts about similar topics but nothing exactly along the same lines ... so please forgive if you think this has already been answered.
I've purchased and installed a Theme, which looks great. My choice to use c5 was that users find editing so easy, you can edit and publish and the two match. This however stopped working as soon as i install a theme. My assumption is that when viewing the page the theme's css is being used; but when editing the page other css is being used.
My assumption is that i need to make page viewing css and page editing css match.
Any ideas?
I've purchased and installed a Theme, which looks great. My choice to use c5 was that users find editing so easy, you can edit and publish and the two match. This however stopped working as soon as i install a theme. My assumption is that when viewing the page the theme's css is being used; but when editing the page other css is being used.
My assumption is that i need to make page viewing css and page editing css match.
Any ideas?
I've been searching online and this "concrete5 tinymce typography.css" seems to bring up some interesting options to look at for solutions?
Yes, the TinyMCE editor reads styles from the typography.css file. I don't copy all of the styles but the H1 -> H4 and the other major styles helps out quite a bit. Any classes that are defined in the typography.css file can be found in the 'Styles' drop-down so you apply these from within the editor. The TinyMCE editor has always been a pain to work with and happily the next version of concrete5 uses a completely new editor (Redactor)
what's curious is why typography.css isn't being found and used by tinymce ... as far as i can tell it's in the right location.
what's most annoying is that the ability to switch between templates and provide ease of use to clients ... still requires quite extensive technical understanding to make this best work.
what's most annoying is that the ability to switch between templates and provide ease of use to clients ... still requires quite extensive technical understanding to make this best work.
A couple of things to check...
1) Is your concrete5 caching turned off at Dashboard->Sysytems and Settings->Cache and Speed Settings. Make sure they are all turned off so that concrete5 grabs your most recent copy of typography.css
2) Refresh your browser by hittng CTRL F5 or CRTL SHIFT 'R' to make sure your browser is grabbing the newest version of typography.css. Perhaps even try opening up the page in Firefox if your usual browser is Chrome just to make sure you are grabbing a fresh copy of typography.css.
3) Is typography.css being called in your theme files? If not then of course Tiny MCE will not use it.
To be fair, typography.css is a fairly advanced technique and each developer can build it into their theme or not. It certainly is nice but not required for a theme to run properly.
As for switching between templates, I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain this a bit more?
Is there a public URL we could look at to see if typography.css is being called correctly?
1) Is your concrete5 caching turned off at Dashboard->Sysytems and Settings->Cache and Speed Settings. Make sure they are all turned off so that concrete5 grabs your most recent copy of typography.css
2) Refresh your browser by hittng CTRL F5 or CRTL SHIFT 'R' to make sure your browser is grabbing the newest version of typography.css. Perhaps even try opening up the page in Firefox if your usual browser is Chrome just to make sure you are grabbing a fresh copy of typography.css.
3) Is typography.css being called in your theme files? If not then of course Tiny MCE will not use it.
To be fair, typography.css is a fairly advanced technique and each developer can build it into their theme or not. It certainly is nice but not required for a theme to run properly.
As for switching between templates, I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain this a bit more?
Is there a public URL we could look at to see if typography.css is being called correctly?