Thumbnail required setting

In the guide we see a required column but I am not sure how we set the No to Yes , I presume that this means once Yes the images will be used for responsive purposes

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Responsive,

I believe the "Required" column displays "Yes" for thumbnails that are required by concrete5 for use in areas like the file manager.

The screenshot in the link you posted is of the Elemental theme default thumbnail settings (which uses responsive images).
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi MrKDilkington

Ok thanks , the reason I asked was also a problem I see with these thumbnails. If we look at Elemental theme there is a list view half way down on home that uses this facility ( see code below ) . When looking at src="http://*****************/application/files/thumbnails/small/1314/3679/0175/bridge.jpg I can see its using the /small/ folder which is great . However using inspect element on this src image I see its using the original large image both in Chrome and safari. This I also see in the google speed test, so Im not sure if this is wrong or not.

<picture><source srcset="http******************/application/files/thumbnails/large/1314/3679/0175/bridge.jpg" media="(min-width: 900px)" class="img-responsive"><source srcset="http:**************/application/files/thumbnails/medium/1314/3679/0175/bridge.jpg" media="(min-width: 768px)" class="img-responsive"><source srcset="http://**************/application/files/thumbnails/small/1314/3679/0175/bridge.jpg" class="img-responsive"><img src="http://*****************/application/files/thumbnails/small/1314/3679/0175/bridge.jpg" alt="#" class="img-responsive"></picture>
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
What version of concrete5 are you using?

Picturefill is updated in the 5.7.5 release of concrete5.
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
I am using concrete5 -
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I see the problem now as explained in bellow link , so the Picturefill will be already in 5.7.5 ?
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Closed issue