TinyMCE window

Im looking to increase the size of the editor window or add content window.

Cant seem to see where it is controlled.

Id like to change the default center size to something near but not quite size of monitor window.

When editing or adding content many times i have to scroll to see or to add.
Very unpleasant to work adding content only to have to continue to scroll to either edit or add content.

Anyone know how to change the size of the window/

cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Dashboard > Sitewide Settings > Here there is a dialogue box that will allow you to change the width and height of the TinyMCE editor.
As simple as That!
street14 replied on at Permalink Reply
actually i have tried that rich text editor dimension box.
When i change the settings all it changes is the internal part of the window the actual dimensions in the window container do not change.
It does me no good to edit 800 pixel length if i still have to scroll to edit that length

It is the overall window container size that needs to be changed.
Maybe someone can incorporate a resizing to every window which would circumvent any need to actually manually change anything.
But as of right now i need to change the actual container window.
Weather it be a model window or some sort of shadowbox. But i do appreciate your stopping by to help out.
street14 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have resolved this and the answer cannonf700 gave was correct.
For some odd reason even clearing browser cache did not reset the display.

I had also hard coded in a css value that interfered with the display.

So thank you for the help for those that took a look and replied.