Tiny MCE background color/image won't change!
Need help please guys I have gone through the forum posts and just cannot seem to resolve this issue...
I started when i added a background image to the body tag of the tapography.css and of course it changed the background of the tinymce editor.
Now I have removed the background image line from tapography.css and completely removed the image from the themes/images/ folder...
and yet when i put a block into edit mode it still shows the image in the background?
I have tried putting the following into the tapography.css
body#tinymce {
background-color: #dbd6c7;
/*TinyMCE specific rules */
body.mceContentBody {
background: #ffffff;
color: #000000;
and uploaded the tapography.css file to my theme but nothing changes?
I just don't understand what is going on as the image is not even on the server? it has been deleted from the themes images folder??
Desperately in need of some help..
I started when i added a background image to the body tag of the tapography.css and of course it changed the background of the tinymce editor.
Now I have removed the background image line from tapography.css and completely removed the image from the themes/images/ folder...
and yet when i put a block into edit mode it still shows the image in the background?
I have tried putting the following into the tapography.css
body#tinymce {
background-color: #dbd6c7;
/*TinyMCE specific rules */
body.mceContentBody {
background: #ffffff;
color: #000000;
and uploaded the tapography.css file to my theme but nothing changes?
I just don't understand what is going on as the image is not even on the server? it has been deleted from the themes images folder??
Desperately in need of some help..
Hi thanks for the reply i have already thought of that and done them both in fact i cleared the browser cache, then the concrete5 cache and just to be sure i rebooted the computer...
and the same problem still exists??
and the same problem still exists??
Hmmm, that is strange! have you got typography.css in the root of your theme, if its in a folder, it wont behave properly?
its almost certainly a cache issue, clear your Concrete5 cache under systems and settings and also clear your browser cache for good measure, that should resolve it.