Tiny MCE WYSIWYG editor window jam (Content Block)
Hi all,
I have pumped into a problem while using the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG editor and the content block. Been using Concrete5 version 5.4.1.
The problem is that the editor occasionally jams the cursor the way that you cannot remove, add or edit text in editor window.
You can move the cursor inside the editor window with the mouse and even paint over text, but that is all you can do.
Sometimes clicking the "html" tool icon and editing the text in html mode helps - after approving the modifications, the WYSIWYG window works fine. Until it tilts again.
Also, clicking "Add link to a page" (etc.) and returning back to WYSIWYG sometimes helps.
I've been testing this issue with
- Max OS Firefox 3.6.10 (w/ firebug)
This is most likely tiny MCE w/ JS issue, i know, but has anyone similar problems with this AND come up with a solution?
Fireboug does not show that anything would be wrong. Editor window itself is loaded fully and is OK.
I have pumped into a problem while using the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG editor and the content block. Been using Concrete5 version 5.4.1.
The problem is that the editor occasionally jams the cursor the way that you cannot remove, add or edit text in editor window.
You can move the cursor inside the editor window with the mouse and even paint over text, but that is all you can do.
Sometimes clicking the "html" tool icon and editing the text in html mode helps - after approving the modifications, the WYSIWYG window works fine. Until it tilts again.
Also, clicking "Add link to a page" (etc.) and returning back to WYSIWYG sometimes helps.
I've been testing this issue with
- Max OS Firefox 3.6.10 (w/ firebug)
This is most likely tiny MCE w/ JS issue, i know, but has anyone similar problems with this AND come up with a solution?
Fireboug does not show that anything would be wrong. Editor window itself is loaded fully and is OK.

I've experienced the same problem many times. I usually find that selecting a tool like "Bold" activates the editor again. In other block types, when a similar thing happens, I find that I can [TAB] past the required data entry field, then [SHIFT][TAB] back to it, and it comes to life. Weird but works.... Still annoying though.