TinyMCE and HTML
Hi, Im trying to put a slide show into a expanding block. It all works well except for some reason two harmless little div tags that hold some gradients will not stay in TinyMCE HTML editor. I can copy them in but after the update they are not there. There are other div tags in there. But it will not take these ones.
This code after it is
and stays put. But try to put those harmless little divs before it and No Way Dude!
I have heard the editor rejects certain HTML for some reason?
Can anyone enlighten me please?
<div id="grad_left"></div> <div id="grad_right"></div>
This code after it is
<a href="#" id="next">+</a> <a href="#" id="prev">-</a>
and stays put. But try to put those harmless little divs before it and No Way Dude!
I have heard the editor rejects certain HTML for some reason?
Can anyone enlighten me please?

Wouldn't it be easier to just use an html block to hold this, Nige? It won't second-guess what you're trying to do with your div tags like TinyMCE tends to.
Yes it would, but I wanted it to be all neatly tucked into an expanding content block. It's all working just these two lonely divs at the bottom. The only expanding content blocks I have, use TinyMCE.
Solution is for anyone interested is to put something into the divs. I was using them with background images and TinyMCE doesnt allow empty divs.
So I put in a couple of "1" (digits) into the divs and colored them white, luckliy this was the background.
Awful hack I know but it worked.
So I put in a couple of "1" (digits) into the divs and colored them white, luckliy this was the background.
Awful hack I know but it worked.
Put a space instead of 1.
Then it will stay and you don't have to have bogus content in the div.
Then it will stay and you don't have to have bogus content in the div.
or (not breaking space) (remove the space)
& nbsp;
Ohh, I see that my code block actually became a non-breaking space instead of the code Mnkras posted =)
yea, I submitted a bug about that :)
I did try a space but it wasn't enough, it wanted real content, hence the digit. I didn't try nbsp.