TinyMCE isn't working as wysiwyg editor?

Hi there - I am new to C5 but have been getting on very well - until now.

The issue I have is to do with the fixed size of the text editor. I have columns in my site of a certain width (under 580px), which, when text or text and images are added (using a block), sits in the column in a certain way. When I go to edit that column, the Text Editor launches, but has its own width and height, its not the same as my column (div) so the text moves, and wraps around an image differently.

This means 'trial and error' when adding text or images to a block - as I don't really see what I'm going to get until I hit 'update' on the Editor.

I know width can be changed to more than 580px.. but what I really need is for the Text Ed to be dynamic - so as to be the same as the column.

C5 has been VERY good so far, I hope I have explained this well enough for folk to understand! It is entirely possible I'm doing something wrong.. if anyone has any comments or solutions - would be most welcome!

jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, if you really want to do this, I guess you could target the editor using css - I believe it's width can be set with css. You could maybe even use jQuery in the auto.js of the content block, to grab the css of the column you want to match and apply it to the editor. That could work.

I wanna add a warning. here: It sounds like you're trying to create a pixel perfect site. This can never happen. Even if you use fixed px sizes for your fonts, they will render at slightly different sizes across different platforms. For example, Macs have a slightly lower dpi equivalent than Windoze machines, so the font sizes will render slightly smaller (think that's the right way round) so your exact wrapping of text around an image could break. Also, users should be able to increase or decrease the font size as they need to, which will also affect the way text wraps around an image.

these issues may not be important or relevant for you, but I wanted to highlight them...

Johnny4x replied on at Permalink Reply
jbx! thanks for that!

I'd need to find what/where css that would ref the Text Ed - but would be a good place to start! JScript is a tad out of my range (just now).

I get you on the pix perfect issue, that's not too much of an issue, more that (esp as far as a client is concerned) it can be slightly confusing when 'edit' is selected, and the layout you see in the Editor, can be quite different to the column you are editing.

I'll keep digging!

jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
You need firefox and firebug to identify the correct css attribute to target.

And jQuery is never out of range :)

A couple of hours reading up and you will be coding happily - it's easy, quick and super awesome!

(Damn that sounded american! Too much time on these forums!)

Johnny4x replied on at Permalink Reply
lol! thanks Jon, I don't think the css solution will work, as there will be columns of different sizes on the site - I wouldn't be able to 'hard wire' anything!

right... maybe time to bite the jQuerey bullet!