TinyMCE Spellchecker Not Working.

Hello everyone!
I'm just gonna get right to the point.
The Spellchecker in TinyMCE is not, and has never worked for us as of yet. Every time we click on the Toggle Spell Checker button, we get an error message (see attachment).
As far as I know, this has always given an error for us.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks! :)

1 Attachment

dsw528 replied on at Permalink Reply
This is still an issue that we would like to resolve as soon as possible.
dsw528 replied on at Permalink Reply
Anyone know how to fix this? We still could really use some help with this. :)
prestressed replied on at Permalink Reply
Spell check dies every time I update. For me, fixing folder permissions in the /updates directory fixes it (someone else suggested this in another thread ages ago, I haven't found a better fix yet).

Change the permissions on the following files/folders to 755 (if necessary replace by your version)


Hope it works for you!