TinyMCE styles list not working


I'm really confused by this. Originally, this was working ok in the site I'm building (and works in a couple of other sites I've built in C5), but now the styles drop-down in TinyMCE for any of the default configurations don't work (Simple, Advanced, Office).

My typography.css is working fine, properly referenced and has class names written as so:

.classname {}

So, I'm confused as to what has happened. Can someone suggest some things to try please?



frz replied on at Permalink Reply
is it the styles or the drop down next to it that the typography.css should update?
osu replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry Franz, I should have closed this thread as I found the answer after having a chat on irc - didn't realize that your stylesheets all need to be in the root of your theme.

Thanks for getting back to me.