Titles in Concrete5 Sites
I note that when you don't add any meta-title data through individual pages properties, the default site name is displayed on the page in the title area.
When I add meta-title data - just that shows.
Is there an easy way to show a hybrid of the two, like how this site does it:http://www.info-rotorua.com
(I want the site name to show on the right hand side, of whatever extra title data is put on the various individual pages).
I note that when you don't add any meta-title data through individual pages properties, the default site name is displayed on the page in the title area.
When I add meta-title data - just that shows.
Is there an easy way to show a hybrid of the two, like how this site does it:http://www.info-rotorua.com
(I want the site name to show on the right hand side, of whatever extra title data is put on the various individual pages).
I don't really want to go hacking code - is there a way to do this through the dashboard?
You mean you want to display the sitename + meta title instead of the page name? like:
Site :: Meta Title
Site :: Meta Title
Bingo! Except I don't see that option anywhere..?
Yep, there is no option in the dashboard, you have to copy concrete/elements/header_required.php to your elements/ and customize it.
Hopefully later on it would be available.
Hopefully later on it would be available.
Yeah it's important to a lot of SEO people to have complete control over the titles. It seems that the meta-title vs. page title approach we have now does that.. no?
If you want "page name - custom jibberjabber" just write that in meta field. No?
If you want "page name - custom jibberjabber" just write that in meta field. No?
The reason for wanting a hybrid between Meta & the global site name is ...just that... I want to keep the site name global - meaning if a client ever needs to edit the name for whatever reason (and we have had to do this a few times with various concrete5 projects), I don't want to go through and manually edit every page.
That is where the meta stuff is printed if your theme includes it, which it has to do if anything becomes editable :)
So yeah sure you can merge anything or set up all sorts of stuff using that file, but hey you know where to look now.