Tracking form submissions on GTM

Hi all!

I have recently taking over the wesbsite and I am desperately trying to figure out how to best track form submission events in Google Tag Manager.

The form does not lead to a "thank you" page so that's not an option.

Any suggestions?


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You should be able to configure GTM to listen for the form submission in the GTM dashboard. (Note, this isn't the same as a successful submission and will also track unsuccessful submissions, though the data GTM records should help you differentiate)

GTM may also track returning to the page after a successful form submit, but only if there is a unique url such as a parameter for success.

If not, you will probably need to add some JS to notify GTM directly when 'submit' is clicked.

If using GTM, you will need to comply with GDPR.