Transitioning from 5.6 - Is there a way to get a popup content editor block (like the current HTML block)

I ask this as some areas are hard to reach due to my custom theme not playing nice with
<div class="<?= $c->getPageWrapperClass() ?>">
, A pop up block like the legacy version would help until I can solve the above (even then I don't like the restrictive work area personally.)

Another issue I have is how can I make an Area within the template that can be added to infinitely? So if I fill my editable area, another instance will appear next to it that is also editable (think 3 columns in a row on a home page leading to elsewhere on the site, before moving to next line when more are added). The styling is already setup I just need to figure out how to get concrete to acknowledge that once it is filled another editable box should appear.

Any ideas? I checked the documentation online relating to template building but it didn't seem to mention it.