Trouble editing
Alright, this is driving me nuts.
I've made several changes to my website ( over the last three weeks that have not, and are not, showing up or taking effect.
These are the changes:
Added a slide show of pictures at the bottom of: that won't show up. the block shows up and stays, but there are no pictures in the slideshow. I've checked to make sure the pictures are in the file set and in the file manager, and they are.
Edited existing auto-navs in the left column to add sub-pages to the menu, but the edits don't show up.
I've tried both of these several times, and the desired effects still don't take place.
Another issue i'm having is that everytime I search for new themes, I select the option for "only show themes that are compatible with my current version", but all of the themes I try are shown as not compatible with my current version.
Any ideas?
I've made several changes to my website ( over the last three weeks that have not, and are not, showing up or taking effect.
These are the changes:
Added a slide show of pictures at the bottom of: that won't show up. the block shows up and stays, but there are no pictures in the slideshow. I've checked to make sure the pictures are in the file set and in the file manager, and they are.
Edited existing auto-navs in the left column to add sub-pages to the menu, but the edits don't show up.
I've tried both of these several times, and the desired effects still don't take place.
Another issue i'm having is that everytime I search for new themes, I select the option for "only show themes that are compatible with my current version", but all of the themes I try are shown as not compatible with my current version.
Any ideas?
I believe so, yes. I'll be more conscious of this in the next set of edits.
I only have one install of Concrete5 on my URL,
Another issue, though not a C5 issue I believe:
Any idea about embedding Google Docs?
I used to be able to do it, and now the Share>Publish to web> Get magical HTML from Google doc to paste into website is different; the magical part has disappeared!
I only have one install of Concrete5 on my URL,
Another issue, though not a C5 issue I believe:
Any idea about embedding Google Docs?
I used to be able to do it, and now the Share>Publish to web> Get magical HTML from Google doc to paste into website is different; the magical part has disappeared!
-When you make your changes are you hitting save in the bottom of the block and then hitting publish at the top of the page?
-Do you have 2 installs of this website on the server and are possibly updating the wrong one?
If these are not helpful please post some screenshots of this on each step of the process of making your changes and we can try and trouble shoot.