Trying to Add a Page, and It Won't Work.

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Hi C5 Peeps,

So I'm totally stumped here....Lemme preface, I'm pretty knew to C5, so any advice offered, the simpler the better, purdy-please. :)

So, I'm been having a specific issue here...I need to add a subpage to the "Home" page of my site. So I do the following: I go to Sitemap>Home>Click Add a Page>Choose my template preference, and then I get this message:

"Page Not Found. No page could be found at this address."

My web-hosting is current and such, and I'm using C5 version 5.5.2.

Has anyone experienced this?

Thanks! :)

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
That is strange, does it do the same thing if you add a page, not from the site map, so
Instead just go onto your home page hover the edit button and the select "add sub page" see if it does the same thing that way.

Another thing to try would be going into systems and settings and clearing your cache.
lisaedelman1980 replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I just tried that, and it worked to an extent...It let me go through the adding of the page, but even though the page is in the sitemap, it doesn't show up on my navigation bar on the homepage...Is there another step I need to take?
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have published your page and it isn't showing in the nav, have a look in the properties of the page and make sure exclude from nav is not checked, so go to your newly created page, hover the edit button and click on properties, scroll down a bit and there should be an option for exclude from nav.
lisaedelman1980 replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope - the Exclude From Nav option was never checked and still isn't...And it's still not showing up...
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
ok, give this a try, put your site in edit mode, delete your navigation, then click on the area where your nav was and select add block, add an auto nav block, then click once again on the nav and select custom template and select header menu. then publish, go into systems and settings and clear your cache.
lisaedelman1980 replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow, it took me going to the page in question, going to Custom Attributes, then checking and unchecking "Exclude from Nav" box (without saving it), then hit Save with "Exclude From Nav" unchecked, and voila, it's in the navigation now. Go figure.

But your direction helped! Thanks so much! :-)
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem, glad you got to the bottom of it.
citytech2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Check the permission of that page. I think it is the permission problem.
