trying to find controller.

Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I am trying to find the controller responsible for publishing content, a page or blog, or anything that renders a change. Basically I want to add a feature where clicking the publish button will create a cache of the page permanently until the publish button is clicked again, when a request come in, it should hit the physical cached file. Ive figured out what I want to do, I just need to find the place where content is being pushed.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
What you are looking for is spread out over a number of controllers. When a page is rendered, there is the controller for a page, for an area, for blocks generally and for each block type.

One way round this could be to show the content you want a permanently cached view of using my addon Universal Content Puller. The current version is configurable to cache pulled content for up to 1 week. The next version (currently under final testing) includes an option to cache pulled content forever, either when the UCP block is saved, or when it is first viewed.