ULTRA URGENT: Advanced permissions backfiring!

Hi guys, please help me I have to launch my website soon and minor set backs keeping delaying that. So I need to restrict a guest blogger's access to writing only on the blog page but that's not the matter, so I changed permissions to advance by logging into my website and now the links don't work anymore! The autonav and linked text too! :O

Error 404: Page not found 'The requested URL /about/ was not found on this server.'

What do I do?!! I'm really starting to panic here, please help! Is there some clash because earlier in basic permissions my website was on the memebers only mode(need to have user id/pass) and now it's on advanced where that menu doesn't exist anymore (page view permissions)?

PLEASE HELP me this is very important!! :(

I'm online so feel free to ask to help you diagnose the problem!

Help me undo the advanced permissions please! :(

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You can send me a pm with credentials and I can have a look.
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
This has nothing to do with permissions, but prettyURLs. I tried putting in 'index.php' inside your addresses and it all works fine.

Go to 'yoursite.in/index.php/dashboard/system/seo/urls/' and enable pretty urls again.

You can also check if your .htaccess has been modified outside your control by opening it (in 'public_html/.htaccess'). The file should contain at least the following for prettyURLs to work (and this is added by c5 if you enable it from the dashboard):
# -- concrete5 urls start --
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php
# -- concrete5 urls end --

With the credentials you sent me I cannot reach the dashboard.
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
Weird, I just disabled Pretty Urls, since it was enabled presently, that's weird :S. Okay I'll mess around with permissions to get your's working.

I'll try understanding the second para, will post if I need help
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
Disabling pretty URLs did the trick thanks so much! :)
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
Though it seems to only be a short term solution as reenabling p-urls causes the malfunction again, any clue on solving this?

How do I do that htcaccess thing? Like what's the url I type in to get there i didn't understand that bit :S
adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You need access to your source files (like via ftp). Download the file called .htaccess which is located at the root of your c5 installation.