Unable to edit permissions on pages

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I am running concrete5 Version and have run into an issue with permissions.

I have the pro blog installed and am trying to install permissions to
that section for the blog editor/approver group.

I also created a generic group called Editor just to make certain it is not exclusive to that addon.

I set permissions in the system settings >> Site Access and toggle items there.

Then I try to remove access on the pages they won't have access to.

Alternately, I try to set permissions sitemap >> permissions

Both methods result in a never ending spinner.

Any help is appreciated.


enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I am currently in the process of setting up a custom blog system on my site. Also I'm looking into some permissions issues in relation to pro blog for another user. Currently I'm at work and will have time to look into the this for you in about 4 hours when I get home if no one else has solved it for you!
imJack replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Enlil, anything is appreciated. I did also use the WordPress importer which required minor clean-up but everything went smoothly.

Thanks for helping out!
enlil replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I was able to login to your site and have a look around. I believe what you need to do is navigate to the blog page. Hover the edit button and click "permissions". Under who can edit select all the groups you'd like to have permission to edit. Click save.
imJack replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay... for those who are having this same issue: the permissions have to be assigned at the Blog Page,[edit >> permissions] not from the sitemap >> properties>> Set Permissions... don't ask me why. I don't really care why. Enlil, YOU ARE A FREAKIN GENIUS!!!! THANK YOU!

This is the answer folks.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
note for community:

Advanced permissions are NOT being used in this case.
imJack replied on at Permalink Reply
I ended up engaging advanced permissions as recommended by Enlil earlier... it resolved the issue.