Unable to save after making edit (error message)
Hello. I had this error pop-up earlier so I deleted the site. Reinstalled C5 and re-created the entire site. After I made the last edit and tried to save I received an error message. Prior to that I added the google analytics code to the tracking window in the settings area. After the error pop-up I removed the analytics code but that did not solve the problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
website: http://simplygrande.com
website: http://simplygrande.com
Simply Grande Home Furnishings Furniture · Window Treatments · Design $(function() { var ccm_menuObj4849 = {}; ccm_menuObj4849.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj4849.arHandle = 'News'; ccm_menuObj4849.aID = 49; ccm_menuObj4849.bID = 48; ccm_menuObj4849.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj4849.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj4849.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj4849.btName = "Content"; ccm_menuObj4849.width = 600; ccm_menuObj4849.height = 485; ccm_menuObj4849.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj4849.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj4849.canEditBlockCustomTemplate = true; ccm_menuObj4849.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj4849.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj4849.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj4849); }); Spring is time to redecorate, refurbish, & make your home new again.New fabrics, designs and professional expertise make it easy. ccm_areaMenuObj49 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj49.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj49.aID = 49; ccm_areaMenuObj49.arHandle = "News"; ccm_areaMenuObj49.maximumBlocks = -1; ccm_areaMenuObj49.canAddStacks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj49.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj49.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj49.canLayout = false; ccm_areaMenuObj49.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj49)}); Add To Sitewide News Search our Manufacturers (function() { var cx = '008287183566700214346:mjf5whed7js'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 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The owners, Lou and Char Hamel had one goal in mind; to offer finest quality furniture at reasonable prices and provide excellent customer service. We offer such well know brands as; Sherrill, Smith Brothers, Century, Thomasville, Harden, Hooker Furniture and many more, at 30% to 50% off MSRP. Area rugs and accessories add the perfect finishing touch. Simply Grande can furnish a complete home, one room or help you find that one special piece. Your taste plus our expertise equal satisfaction! Visit our Showroom Today! View our Manufacturers Page ccm_areaMenuObj23 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj23.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj23.aID = 23; ccm_areaMenuObj23.arHandle = "Main"; ccm_areaMenuObj23.maximumBlocks = -1; ccm_areaMenuObj23.canAddStacks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj23.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj23.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj23.canLayout = true; ccm_areaMenuObj23.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj23)}); Add To Main $(function() { var ccm_menuObj7222 = {}; ccm_menuObj7222.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj7222.arHandle = 'sidebar'; ccm_menuObj7222.aID = 22; ccm_menuObj7222.bID = 72; ccm_menuObj7222.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj7222.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj7222.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj7222.btName = "Content"; ccm_menuObj7222.width = 600; ccm_menuObj7222.height = 485; ccm_menuObj7222.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj7222.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj7222.canEditBlockCustomTemplate = true; ccm_menuObj7222.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj7222.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj7222.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; ccm_menuObj7222.canArrange = true; ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj7222); }); Simply Grande Interiors (SGI) Simply Grande Interiors provides clients with beautiful custom window treatments, bedding ensembles, wall coverings and Hunter Douglas shutters and blinds. Full interior design services and color consultations are a few of the services we offer. We are available to visit your home or office for planning and taking precise measurements. Taking the time to listen is key; we collect our clients thoughts, ideas and tastes. We then work with them to create a unique space that is functional, comfortable and pleasing to the eye. Professional expertise prevents costly mistakes. Call for an appointment! ccm_areaMenuObj22 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj22.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj22.aID = 22; ccm_areaMenuObj22.arHandle = "sidebar"; ccm_areaMenuObj22.maximumBlocks = -1; ccm_areaMenuObj22.canAddStacks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj22.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj22.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj22.canLayout = true; ccm_areaMenuObj22.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj22)}); Add To sidebar $(function() { var ccm_menuObj5053 = {}; ccm_menuObj5053.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj5053.arHandle = 'Simply Grande Hours'; ccm_menuObj5053.aID = 53; ccm_menuObj5053.bID = 50; ccm_menuObj5053.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj5053.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj5053.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj5053.btName = "Content"; ccm_menuObj5053.width = 600; ccm_menuObj5053.height = 485; ccm_menuObj5053.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj5053.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj5053.canEditBlockCustomTemplate = true; ccm_menuObj5053.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj5053.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj5053.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj5053); }); Simply Grande Home Furnishings Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10am to 6pm Tues & Thur 10am to 8pm Closed Sunday Phone: 410-879-9709Fax: 410-879-7895Email:info@simplygrande.com Visit us on Facebook ccm_areaMenuObj53 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj53.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj53.aID = 53; ccm_areaMenuObj53.arHandle = "Simply Grande Hours"; ccm_areaMenuObj53.maximumBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canAddStacks = 0; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canAddBlocks = 0; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canLayout = false; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj53)}); Add To Sitewide Simply Grande Hours $(function() { var ccm_menuObj5155 = {}; ccm_menuObj5155.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj5155.arHandle = 'SGI Contact Info'; ccm_menuObj5155.aID = 55; ccm_menuObj5155.bID = 51; ccm_menuObj5155.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj5155.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj5155.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj5155.btName = "Content"; ccm_menuObj5155.width = 600; ccm_menuObj5155.height = 485; ccm_menuObj5155.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj5155.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj5155.canEditBlockCustomTemplate = true; ccm_menuObj5155.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj5155.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj5155.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj5155); }); Simply Grande Interiors Phone: 410-420-9116Fax: 420-420-9607Email: j.ryan@simplygrande.com ccm_areaMenuObj55 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj55.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj55.aID = 55; ccm_areaMenuObj55.arHandle = "SGI Contact Info"; ccm_areaMenuObj55.maximumBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj55.canAddStacks = 0; ccm_areaMenuObj55.canAddBlocks = 0; ccm_areaMenuObj55.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj55.canLayout = false; ccm_areaMenuObj55.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj55)}); Add To Sitewide SGI Contact Info Subscribe to our mailing list 215 E. Jarrettsville Road Forest Hill, MD 21050 © 2013 Simply Grande Home Furnishings All rights reserved. Website by Undertow Creative // jQuery $('document').ready(); function $('document').ready(function(){ // Calling LayerSlider on your selected element after the document loaded $('#layerslider').layerSlider(); }); EditingDashboardSign OutComposerWriteComposer blog, blogging Write new blog, write blog, bloggingDraftsComposer blog, blogging Drafts blog drafts,composerSitemapFull SitemapSitemap pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias Full Sitemap pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, aliasFlat ViewSitemap pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias Flat View pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias, bulkPage SearchSitemap pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias Page Search find page, search page, search, find, pages, sitemapFilesFile ManagerFiles File Manager add file, delete file, copy, move, alias, resize, crop, rename, images, title, attributeAttributesFiles Attributes file, file attributes, title, attribute, description, renameFile SetsFiles File Sets 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was causing the error. I removed that and enabled "Pretty URL's" in Settings menu instead.