Unable to Set Rich Text Editor

Anyone know how to enable the Rich Text Editor in 5.7? When I click on the Rich Text Editor link Under System & Settings>Basics in Dashboard all that loads on the page is the text "The editor currently has no globally configurable options." There are no options available for me to select to enable a different text editor. Any help on this item is appreciated. Thanks.

pedroserapio replied on at Permalink Reply
I was trying the same, I'm thinking go back to 5.6, because the 5.7 Rich text editor it's very limited.
junebird replied on at Permalink Reply
I am currently on 5.6 and I just want to be able to add h4,h5 and h6 to the advanced option.
I tried selecting the custom option and then adding the headings, but it doesn't have the same button options as the advanced option.

Where can I find the file to add h4,h5 and h6?
I've seen posts on the other forums where they say I need to add them to a suggested line of code in blocks/content/editor_config , but when I open the file, that suggested line of code isn't there?

Where do I change the code?
alanski replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you might need to select custom and add:
theme_concrete_blockformats : "p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div,blockquote,cite",
alanski replied on at Permalink Reply
should say thats @junebird /5.6
gtcoDave replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also confused. There doesn't seem to be any way to set up the Editor from a fresh install...