Up Down Vote Lister bug

Always I am indebted.
I wanted to use the Up Down Vote Lister in concrete5 8.5.2, so I uploaded a modified version of the code, but the following error occurs.

When trying to add a block, both Ballot Box and Vote Page List

Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE'

It becomes.

The log is ...
Exception Occurred: /home/test/test.com/public_html/blog/packages/gnt_vote_list/elements/ballotbox_images.php:80 Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE' (0)

In the up / down vote of the management screen
An unexpected error has occurred.

An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p.cID = c.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID WHERE (( ak_meta_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_description_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_keywords_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_nav_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_page_list_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_header_extra_content_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_tags_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_is_featured_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_search_index_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_sitemapxml_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_thumbnail_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_banner_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_hide_banner_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_page_bg_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_ios_fallback_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_job_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_force_android_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_gnt_ballotbox_total_votes IS NOT NULL )) AND (p.cPointerID < 1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (cv.cvIsApproved = 1) AND ((cv.cvPublishDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishDate <= ?)) AND ((cv.cvPublishEndDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishEndDate >= ?)) AND (p.cIsActive = ?) AND (p.siteTreeID = 1) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = 0) ORDER BY p.cDisplayOrder asc' with params ["2019-11-21 18:29:32", "2019-11-21 18:29:32", true]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_meta_title_total_votes' in 'where clause'

The server environment is ...
concrete5 8.5.2
PHP7 version: 7.2 and 7.3
MySQL version: 5.7.x
Theme: Brimstone (purchased from the marketplace)

Is there anyone who understands?
I'm sorry, thank you.

1 Attachment

dsds replied on at Permalink Reply
I have heard that the Up Down Vote Lister can be used in the Concrete5 8 series if modified.
dsds replied on at Permalink Reply
If you try to add a block ...

Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE'


/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/elements/ballotbox_images.php(80): Error-> null
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(476): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/src/BallotBox.php(524): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> element
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/src/BallotBox.php(534): Concrete \ Package \ GntVoteList \ Src \ BallotBox-> _ element
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/form.php(326): Concrete \ Package \ GntVoteList \ Src \ BallotBox-> editImages
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Block/View/BlockView.php(361): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/add.php(29): Concrete \ Core \ Block \ View \ BlockView-> inc
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Block/View/BlockView.php(254): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/AbstractView.php(164): Concrete \ Core \ Block \ View \ BlockView-> renderViewContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/views/dialogs/page/add_block.php(102): Concrete \ Core \ View \ AbstractView-> render
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(267): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(245): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> renderInnerContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/AbstractView.php(164): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> renderViewContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Routing/ControllerRouteAction.php(79): Concrete \ Core \ View \ AbstractView-> render
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/RouteDispatcher.php(37): Concrete \ Core \ Routing \ ControllerRouteAction-> execute
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ RouteDispatcher-> dispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ DispatcherDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultDispatcher.php(126): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareStack-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultDispatcher.php(58): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultDispatcher-> handleDispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultDispatcher-> dispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/ThumbnailMiddleware.php(76): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ DispatcherDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ ThumbnailMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/FrameOptionsMiddleware.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ FrameOptionsMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/CookieMiddleware.php(35): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ CookieMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/ApplicationMiddleware.php(29): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ ApplicationMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultServer.php(85): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareStack-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Foundation/Runtime/Run/DefaultRunner.php(119): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultServer-> handleRequest
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Foundation/Runtime/DefaultRuntime.php(102): Concrete \ Core \ Foundation \ Runtime \ Run \ DefaultRunner-> run
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/dispatcher.php(36): Concrete \ Core \ Foundation \ Runtime \ DefaultRuntime-> run
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/index.php(3): null-> require

The above error will occur.

I want to use it, but I just want to uninstall it.

Since we tested on multiple sites, it is difficult to reinstall everything.

Thank you.
dsds replied on at Permalink Reply
The following error occurs from Report to Log.

Exception Occurred: /home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php:71 An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p .cID = c.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID WHERE ((ak_meta_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_description_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_keywords_vo NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_page_list_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_header_extra_content_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_tags_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_is_featured_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_search_index_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exc _total_votes IS NOT NULL)) AND (p.cPointerID <1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (cv.cvIsApproved = 1) AND ((cv.cvPublishDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishDate =?)) AND ( p.cIsActive =?) AND (p.siteTreeID = 1) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = 0) ORDER BY p.cDisplayOrder asc 'with params ["2019-11-30 23:16:21", "2019-11- 30 23:16:21 ", true]:

SQLSTATE [42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_meta_title_total_votes' in 'where clause' (0)

Can anyone give me some advice?

I don't know what to say, but I want to help.

I kindly thank you.