Up Down Vote Lister bug
Always I am indebted.
I wanted to use the Up Down Vote Lister in concrete5 8.5.2, so I uploaded a modified version of the code, but the following error occurs.
When trying to add a block, both Ballot Box and Vote Page List
Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE'
It becomes.
The log is ...
Exception Occurred: /home/test/test.com/public_html/blog/packages/gnt_vote_list/elements/ballotbox_images.php:80 Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE' (0)
In the up / down vote of the management screen
An unexpected error has occurred.
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p.cID = c.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID WHERE (( ak_meta_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_description_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_keywords_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_nav_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_page_list_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_header_extra_content_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_tags_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_is_featured_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_search_index_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_sitemapxml_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_thumbnail_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_banner_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_hide_banner_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_page_bg_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_ios_fallback_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_job_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_force_android_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_gnt_ballotbox_total_votes IS NOT NULL )) AND (p.cPointerID < 1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (cv.cvIsApproved = 1) AND ((cv.cvPublishDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishDate <= ?)) AND ((cv.cvPublishEndDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishEndDate >= ?)) AND (p.cIsActive = ?) AND (p.siteTreeID = 1) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = 0) ORDER BY p.cDisplayOrder asc' with params ["2019-11-21 18:29:32", "2019-11-21 18:29:32", true]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_meta_title_total_votes' in 'where clause'
The server environment is ...
concrete5 8.5.2
PHP7 version: 7.2 and 7.3
MySQL version: 5.7.x
Theme: Brimstone (purchased from the marketplace)
Is there anyone who understands?
I'm sorry, thank you.
I wanted to use the Up Down Vote Lister in concrete5 8.5.2, so I uploaded a modified version of the code, but the following error occurs.
When trying to add a block, both Ballot Box and Vote Page List
Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE'
It becomes.
The log is ...
Exception Occurred: /home/test/test.com/public_html/blog/packages/gnt_vote_list/elements/ballotbox_images.php:80 Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE' (0)
In the up / down vote of the management screen
An unexpected error has occurred.
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p.cID = c.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID WHERE (( ak_meta_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_description_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_keywords_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_nav_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_page_list_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_header_extra_content_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_tags_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_is_featured_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_search_index_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_sitemapxml_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_thumbnail_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_banner_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_hide_banner_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_page_bg_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_ios_fallback_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_job_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_force_android_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_gnt_ballotbox_total_votes IS NOT NULL )) AND (p.cPointerID < 1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (cv.cvIsApproved = 1) AND ((cv.cvPublishDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishDate <= ?)) AND ((cv.cvPublishEndDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishEndDate >= ?)) AND (p.cIsActive = ?) AND (p.siteTreeID = 1) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = 0) ORDER BY p.cDisplayOrder asc' with params ["2019-11-21 18:29:32", "2019-11-21 18:29:32", true]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_meta_title_total_votes' in 'where clause'
The server environment is ...
concrete5 8.5.2
PHP7 version: 7.2 and 7.3
MySQL version: 5.7.x
Theme: Brimstone (purchased from the marketplace)
Is there anyone who understands?
I'm sorry, thank you.
I have heard that the Up Down Vote Lister can be used in the Concrete5 8 series if modified.
If you try to add a block ...
Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE'
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/elements/ballotbox_images.php(80): Error-> null
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(476): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/src/BallotBox.php(524): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> element
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/src/BallotBox.php(534): Concrete \ Package \ GntVoteList \ Src \ BallotBox-> _ element
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/form.php(326): Concrete \ Package \ GntVoteList \ Src \ BallotBox-> editImages
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Block/View/BlockView.php(361): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/add.php(29): Concrete \ Core \ Block \ View \ BlockView-> inc
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Block/View/BlockView.php(254): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/AbstractView.php(164): Concrete \ Core \ Block \ View \ BlockView-> renderViewContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/views/dialogs/page/add_block.php(102): Concrete \ Core \ View \ AbstractView-> render
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(267): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(245): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> renderInnerContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/AbstractView.php(164): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> renderViewContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Routing/ControllerRouteAction.php(79): Concrete \ Core \ View \ AbstractView-> render
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/RouteDispatcher.php(37): Concrete \ Core \ Routing \ ControllerRouteAction-> execute
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ RouteDispatcher-> dispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ DispatcherDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultDispatcher.php(126): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareStack-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultDispatcher.php(58): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultDispatcher-> handleDispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultDispatcher-> dispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/ThumbnailMiddleware.php(76): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ DispatcherDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ ThumbnailMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/FrameOptionsMiddleware.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ FrameOptionsMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/CookieMiddleware.php(35): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ CookieMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/ApplicationMiddleware.php(29): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ ApplicationMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultServer.php(85): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareStack-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Foundation/Runtime/Run/DefaultRunner.php(119): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultServer-> handleRequest
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Foundation/Runtime/DefaultRuntime.php(102): Concrete \ Core \ Foundation \ Runtime \ Run \ DefaultRunner-> run
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/dispatcher.php(36): Concrete \ Core \ Foundation \ Runtime \ DefaultRuntime-> run
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/index.php(3): null-> require
The above error will occur.
I want to use it, but I just want to uninstall it.
Since we tested on multiple sites, it is difficult to reinstall everything.
Thank you.
Undefined class constant 'FILTER_BY_TYPE'
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/elements/ballotbox_images.php(80): Error-> null
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(476): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/src/BallotBox.php(524): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> element
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/src/BallotBox.php(534): Concrete \ Package \ GntVoteList \ Src \ BallotBox-> _ element
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/form.php(326): Concrete \ Package \ GntVoteList \ Src \ BallotBox-> editImages
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Block/View/BlockView.php(361): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/add.php(29): Concrete \ Core \ Block \ View \ BlockView-> inc
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Block/View/BlockView.php(254): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/AbstractView.php(164): Concrete \ Core \ Block \ View \ BlockView-> renderViewContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/views/dialogs/page/add_block.php(102): Concrete \ Core \ View \ AbstractView-> render
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(267): null-> include
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/View.php(245): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> renderInnerContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/View/AbstractView.php(164): Concrete \ Core \ View \ View-> renderViewContents
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Routing/ControllerRouteAction.php(79): Concrete \ Core \ View \ AbstractView-> render
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/RouteDispatcher.php(37): Concrete \ Core \ Routing \ ControllerRouteAction-> execute
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ RouteDispatcher-> dispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ DispatcherDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultDispatcher.php(126): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareStack-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultDispatcher.php(58): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultDispatcher-> handleDispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultDispatcher-> dispatch
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/ThumbnailMiddleware.php(76): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ DispatcherDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ ThumbnailMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/FrameOptionsMiddleware.php(39): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ FrameOptionsMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/CookieMiddleware.php(35): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ CookieMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/ApplicationMiddleware.php(29): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ ApplicationMiddleware-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/Middleware/MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareDelegate-> next
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Http/DefaultServer.php(85): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ Middleware \ MiddlewareStack-> process
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Foundation/Runtime/Run/DefaultRunner.php(119): Concrete \ Core \ Http \ DefaultServer-> handleRequest
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/src/Foundation/Runtime/DefaultRuntime.php(102): Concrete \ Core \ Foundation \ Runtime \ Run \ DefaultRunner-> run
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/dispatcher.php(36): Concrete \ Core \ Foundation \ Runtime \ DefaultRuntime-> run
/home/test/test.com/public_html/test/index.php(3): null-> require
The above error will occur.
I want to use it, but I just want to uninstall it.
Since we tested on multiple sites, it is difficult to reinstall everything.
Thank you.
The following error occurs from Report to Log.
Exception Occurred: /home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php:71 An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p .cID = c.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID WHERE ((ak_meta_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_description_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_keywords_vo NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_page_list_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_header_extra_content_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_tags_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_is_featured_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_search_index_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exc _total_votes IS NOT NULL)) AND (p.cPointerID <1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (cv.cvIsApproved = 1) AND ((cv.cvPublishDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishDate =?)) AND ( p.cIsActive =?) AND (p.siteTreeID = 1) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = 0) ORDER BY p.cDisplayOrder asc 'with params ["2019-11-30 23:16:21", "2019-11- 30 23:16:21 ", true]:
SQLSTATE [42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_meta_title_total_votes' in 'where clause' (0)
Can anyone give me some advice?
I don't know what to say, but I want to help.
I kindly thank you.
Exception Occurred: /home/test/test.com/public_html/test/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php:71 An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p .cID = c.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID WHERE ((ak_meta_title_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_description_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_meta_keywords_vo NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_page_list_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_header_extra_content_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_tags_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_is_featured_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exclude_search_index_total_votes IS NOT NULL OR ak_exc _total_votes IS NOT NULL)) AND (p.cPointerID <1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (cv.cvIsApproved = 1) AND ((cv.cvPublishDate IS NULL) OR (cv.cvPublishDate =?)) AND ( p.cIsActive =?) AND (p.siteTreeID = 1) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = 0) ORDER BY p.cDisplayOrder asc 'with params ["2019-11-30 23:16:21", "2019-11- 30 23:16:21 ", true]:
SQLSTATE [42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_meta_title_total_votes' in 'where clause' (0)
Can anyone give me some advice?
I don't know what to say, but I want to help.
I kindly thank you.